Victorian Fair, Rosh Hashanah and School
The latest news from Shalom School from August 31st
The latest news from Shalom School from August 31st
Habonim Happenings In August, the rabbi search committee (RSC) made a presentation to the TBS Governing Council on the direction of the rabbi search. Using results from a member survey from a few years ago, the recent Temple Talks, and other More
The TBS Torah Study group meets twice a month on Sundays, 10am-11:30am during the school year for a lively discussion of the Jewish holy books. Everyone is welcome. No prior experience is required nor do you need any knowledge of More
Temple Beth Shalom offers ticketless high holiday services every year.
On the High Holidays there is a full schedule of services on the first and second day of Rosh Hashana and on Yom Kippur.