Donate to TBS Melrose for NEW High Holiday Prayer books
Here’s a special request for anyone who’s attended High Holiday Services at our Temple: help us secure new prayer books!
Here’s a special request for anyone who’s attended High Holiday Services at our Temple: help us secure new prayer books!
Rabbi Jessica will be leading a congregational book read of Art Spiegelman’s Maus in March, but copies are in short supply! Get your copy now so we can share this tremendous work together. Where to find it? We suggest some indie bookstores: Frugal More
Join us for a very special Erev Shabbat this Friday Talented composer and pianist Jeremiah Klarman returns to TBS on Friday, March 4th, at 6:00 PM for a Shabbat service filled with song. Cantorial Soloist Beth Purcell and our choir will lead More
Time for some Mitzvah making! Every year, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and the MLK Day of Service, Temple Beth Shalom hosts “Mitzvah Day.” This year we will again use a drop-off format, and there are lots of More
Feel some warmth and joy– volunteer to help with TBS’ 34th Annual Christmas Dinner! It’s a tradition! With support from the Melrose Council on Aging and the amazing folks at the Early Harvest Diner, and with partners Green Street Baptist Church and More