Flower Power!

Beautify your garden while helping asylum seekers Help the Social Action Committee support local asylum seekers as they seek to create new lives in Melrose—and treat yourself to some garden flowers while you’re at it!You can order flats of petunias, More

Yom HaShoah Service

Wednesday, April 7 @7:30PM Please join us for a contemplative Yom HaShoah service. We will hear from the children of survivors, speaking about their personal stories interwoven with the historical reality of the time. Dorothy Rocklin will play the cello, More

March Speaker Series

TBS Learns! Join us! Listen and participate in these important social justice topics… Steve Harrington: “Minding your LGBTQs” Confused about new terminology regarding gender and orientation? Want to be a good ally but don’t know what to do? Wondering how More