Rabbi Jessica’s trip to Israel
Watch the video below as Rabbi Jessica talks about her recent trip to Israel.
Watch the video below as Rabbi Jessica talks about her recent trip to Israel.
Watch Rabbi Jessica’s Yom HaShoah service as Temple Beth Shalom Melrose recognizes Holocaust Day of Remembrance.
Rabbi Jessica will be leading a congregational book read of Art Spiegelman’s Maus in March, but copies are in short supply! Get your copy now so we can share this tremendous work together. Where to find it? We suggest some indie bookstores: Frugal More
April 15, 22, 29 at 7PM Online Adult Education Program Join Rabbi Jessica for a three-part introduction to the history and current reality of anti-Semitism.Our first session will explore religious anti-Judaism, our second session will focus on the switch from More
Shemot This Shabbat we begin the book of Exodus, and we hear the famous words, A new Pharaoh arose in Egypt who did not Know Joseph. There has been centuries of conversation around what exactly this sentence means. Does it More