MLK Day of Service
Every year, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and the MLK Day of Service, Temple Beth Shalom hosts “Mitzvah Day.” This year TBS will again use a drop-off format for donations and each half hour, Rabbi Jessica will sit with students and read children’s books, some specifically about civil rights and some written by black authors. We will discuss who Martin Luther King Jr. was, his message, and how we can continue his work today in our lives. Please join us as there are a lot of ways to get involved. Open to the Public.
Drop off your donations at TBS between 10am-12pm on Monday, January 20.
Here’s what we’re looking for:
- Youth and teen (4-18 y.o.) clothing and toiletries for Catie’s Closet
- Food for Bread of Life food pantry
- Books, CDs, DVDs, and video games for More Than Words bookstore
- Canned and dry non-prescription cat or dog food for PAWS
Want to do more? Volunteer! Help us accept and sort drive-up donations at TBS on January 20th…or deliver donations to the various organizations listed above. Sign up at