September 9th:
A Busy Day: Victorian Fair, Rosh Hashanah Begins

Rosh Hashanah Service Reminder
Shalom School students who are in third grade and above are encouraged to attend the service in the main sanctuary on Monday, September 10th. For younger students we will offer a family service from 8:30-9:15am and babysitting starting at 9:30.
Shalom School Reminders

First day of school kick off:
Sunday, September 16th at 10am: All school welcome10:30-11:30am Students go to class, Parents meet and socialize11:30am-1pm Picnic at Pine Banks park, we will be in Picnic Area #4
Reminder: 6th and 7th Graders meet on Thursday, September 13th, 4pm-6pm

3rd-7th Grade: Learn to Play Shofar
Ron Serisky will offer a Shofar Blowing training on Thursday, September 13th 6-6:30pm.
Students will have the opportunity to play their shofars to mark the end of Yom Kippur.

Join Our Facebook Group
If you haven’t been invited and/or joined already, here is the link. The group is a place to ask general questions, share photos and connect with other families.